We are really happy to announce that The Rev. Cheryl Black and The Rev. Julianne Kasmer have come to give leadership to our congregation.  The following expresses their job descriptions and hopes for the next period of time.

Julianne and Cheryl are looking forward to working together and with
Esquimalt United in a way the supports the ministry of this resourceful
We are both part time which means we’ll try to work smart rather than hard.
Julianne’s 12 hours per week will focus on supporting the work of STEAM, the
caring team and connecting with individuals in the congregation. Cheryl’s 5
hours will focus on governance, preacher supply and seeing that all the parts
are working together in a coordinated fashion.
Cheryl and Julianne will meet regularly to ensure great communication
happens between us and the congregation and lay leaders.
This is a brave experiment EUC is undertaking in moving to very part time
ministry staff with regular but unique worship leaders. Julianne and Cheryl
are looking forward to this being a fun experience and we hope the
congregation is as well.