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Great turnout for the Dec 10th Pyjama Prance!  Folks turned out in droves in their fuzzy pyjamas and animal-themed onesies.  Organizer Colette Scrimgeour said this fun run drew a record turnout. 

Andrew Gage and his daughter Rebecca played holiday songs on their violins as participants passed.  Prancers were treated to a pancake breakfast care of Esquimalt Lions.

234 participants turned out for the fun 2 and 5 km event around Esquimalt raising funds and awareness for Rainbow Kitchen.  The food donations came to 1000 lbs and cash donations of $1542.65.

"This year the amount of sponsorship from the community and from major businesses was amazing,"  Scrimgeour said.  "It's just phenomenal."

The participants all received a handmade wooden medal and a bag o swag.  All the participants are winners in this race.

"This year the amount of sponsorship from the community and from major businesses was amazing.  It's just phenomenal.  I was in tears of joy when l realized what the final amount that would be donated to the Rainbow Kitchen would be.  My son came downstairs and asked me if I was crying happy tears. I said, yes Graham, Mama's happy." Colette Scrimgeour