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A training event for new and experienced Christian contemplatives

Facilitators: Linda Mulhall and Henri Lock

Sunday October 6, 2024, 1:30 pm– 4:30pm at Esquimalt United Church

Register: by email Henri Lock OR online at

All are welcome regardless of experience.

Fee: Pay from the heart. Further information: Henri Lock or Linda Mulhall

This event is offered by the Contemplative Network of Greater Victoria.


Linda Mulhall, Spiritual Guide M. Ed.
In the past twenty years Linda has been an active member of the United Church in Victoria. She was a
presenter at Epiphany Explorations: “Resting in the Arms of the Beloved”; “Breathing Life into the Lord’s Prayer”; “Stepping into the Silence” (approaches to meditation); “Finding Our Way: Discernment”. She has led meditation groups and retreat days, and continues to provide Spiritual Guidance. She is a graduate of “The Art of Spiritual Guidance” – a three year program led by Atum O’Kane, Jungian Psychologist and Sufi Teacher. She studied with Atum for thirteen years, exploring; “Alchemy, Personal Transformation”, “Archetypes” and “The Soul of Christianity”. Linda has preached and led Sunday services at Fairfield United Church and Esquimalt United Church.Throughout her life Linda has been interested in finding ways to develop and sustain her spiritual life.

This led her as a young woman to join the Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto where she was taught by the
Jesuits. After leaving the convent, she became the general secretary for the Student Christian
Movement of Canada – where she became acquainted with the United Church and its commitment to
social justice. Her spiritual practices include painting, lectio divina and the centering prayer. She has her M. Ed in Adult Education and Organization Development, and is an honours graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design. You can find her art at:
